My in-laws and sister-in-law came to visit this past weekend! We had a great visit and Tristan LOVED all the attention! They arrived on Thursday around noon. Shelby picked Tristan up from the babysitter and brought him home so that he would be there when they arrived. He seemed really happy to see them! It was his Aunt Michelle’s first time to see him. I came home for my lunch break so that I could be there as well when they arrived at our house. We left Tristan there to play with them while Shelby and I returned to work. After work I ran to the store to pick up some groceries and then we went to Carrabbas for dinner. I love their Pasta Carrabba without the mushrooms and the peas. SO GOOD! Tristan did wonderful at the restaurant. He’s such a good baby! We can take him ANYWHERE with NO problems!
I took the day off on Friday so I got to sleep in for a little bit. Then Tristan and I spend some time with the Tucci’s while Shelby was working a ceremony. We met him at Panera for lunch and Tristan got to try a pickle for the first time! He seemed to really like it! After lunch the boys went to play golf and the girls went hunting for a walker for Mr. Tristan. We went to Babies-R-Us and Tristan got to test drive a Jeep walker which was so cute! I might take him there every once in a while just to play in the toys! (I’m totally joking...that would be incredibly tacky I’m sure!) We found a simple walker that he LOVED but we wanted to check a few other places to make sure we didn’t find one we liked better. We went to Target and K-Mart, but they didn’t have any! We made our way back to Babies-R-Us and got the one we looked at before. Tristan loves it! After we got home I made a double layered pineapple upside down cake for my father-in-law. I think I’ve found my permanent recipe! It turned out GREAT and was SO pretty! Friday evening we had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy for dinner. Chicken fried steak is a staple in the Tucci household. I haven’t made it in so long and it was delicious! My sister-in-law cooked for the most part... she does a wonderful job! After dinner everyone got in the floor and played for Tristan. It seemed like he played for hours! He finally sat up all by himself for the first time! I’m so happy he’s able to sit up now... Yaaay! He’s trying so hard to crawl. We were able to get him a little more comfortable with it in Friday evening. He’s such a cutie!
Eating a Pickle for the first time!
Test Driving the Jeep @ Babies R Us
Tristan & his NEW Walker!
Sitting up ALL BY MYSELF!
On Saturday we took a trip to a pumpkin patch that’s near our house. We were the only people there because we got there right when it opened! Talk about good timing! We were able to get some really cute pictures of Tristan. It was really sunny so he kept looking down, but he was still cute! Maybe when it’s a little cooler and such I’ll take him back. My father in law picked a pumpkin for the front door and it’s a perfect pumpkin! They had little tiny pumpkins for sale too. We didn’t get one but I think I might go back and get one for Tristan. After the pumpkin patch we went to Whataburger and had lunch and watched the Alabama vs. UK game on the TV they had. The boys left to go play golf again after lunch and us girls went home to relax. I was able to finish my fall wreath and get it hung on the front door. We had a roast for dinner and played with Tristan again that evening after dinner.
Tristan and his spider :)
Momma's Boy!
He loved the HAY!
With his spider and little pumpkin :)
All I need now is some flowers!
On Sunday the Tucci’s, Tristan, and myself went to church. Shelby had to work. After church we went home to change and then headed out to Amelia Island for the Amelia Island Jazz Festival. The Navy Band was playing in the festival so we went to listen to Shelby play. The little neighborhood we were at was SO incredibly cute! I would LOVE to live there! It’s designed to look like a simple little neighborhood and it’s almost like stepping back in time! I read about it online and one site mentioned a “pre WW2 designed neighborhood”. Absolutely adorable! The neighborhood is part of the Amelia Park development. Check it out! After the concert, we all crammed into our car and headed to St John’s Town center for some seafood. We ate at Mitchells Fish Market. It was really fancy! The food was delicious! My father in law ordered a dessert which fed ALL of us! It was enormous and delicious! It tasted like a drumstick ice-cream cone. After we made it home that evening we relaxed and played with Tristan. He is so much closer to crawling! It’s insane how fast he’s learning! He has the concept down and he knows what he wants to do, it’s just getting the coordination mastered. My baby is growing up!
Today is Monday and I tell you, I had a great weekend. I wasn’t ready to go back to work this morning! This evening Shelby and I are probably going to relax and recoup from the weekend! Lucky Shelby has today AND tomorrow off. He took Tristan to the babysitter’s today, but tomorrow he’s gonna keep him home and they are going to have a “boy’s day”. That little boy will melt your heart! I have so many things to catch up on. I NEED to call my wonderful grandmother – I miss her so much! I HAVE to make time to do that this evening. I also need to plan a weekly menu. I wasn’t able to get a Sunday paper yesterday so I missed the coupons. I’m so bummed. I bet there were some really good ones too! Hopefully I can mark some things off my ever growing to do list today...
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

What a full, fun weekend!!! I would be exhausted too. Man, the Tucci's know how to eat huh? Sounds super yummy. :) Miss you guys lots.