I've made two trips to Hobby Lobby since Saturday and I was able to gather a few cute things. I will post a picture of what we've got so far once I get home. (hopefully I will remember) I was looking on Etsy today and I found these adorable little "High Chair Banners" that say "I AM 1" on them. They are SO cute and custom made! I ordered one for Tristan today and I can't wait to get it. I am going to get some pictures of it on March 15 - I can't wait to show ya'll what it looks like! I have never ordered anything off Etsy before but Cortney at Whimzy Creations is absolutely the nicest girl to work with. It was SO easy - maybe too easy (cause I'll be buying more stuff now!) Take a look at her shop and you can see what kind of banner I'm talking about!!
Tonight Shelby and I are babysitting some children while their parents (the Taylor's) go on a date. They're going to Ruth's Chris - AMAZING food at that place! I hope they have a great time!! Tristan was really fussy at daycare today and is acting sick, so I hope he's better - at least a little bit - by tonight. This is teething I think - it's always the same routine. He's napping now so hopefully he'll wake up and be a different baby! Tristan went to their house (The Taylor's) last week so that Shelby and I could go on a date.. when we left he was so interested in playing with the other kids that he didn't even care we were leaving! ha ha! It's sad but in all honesty that makes me happy - I'd rather him be like that instead of super clingy and annoying once we leave.
I found a planner - at Office Depot. It's nothing special but it will get the job done :) I used to carry a pocket calendar in my purse ALL THE TIME in college, so I got a smaller one (but not as small as a pocket one) to carry around. I have missed having a planner, let me tell you. It's like being reunited with an old friend! Now that I have one again, I don't know how I lived without it! I'm still kinda on the lookout for a super cute absolutely wonderful planner - if it's out there I will find it.. someday :) PS - planners aren't cheap! GEEZ!
Well, I'm outta here in 30 minutes. I've gotta run by Target and get some vapor bath and teething tablets for Tristan, then head home and change before going out to the Taylor's at 6:00. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!!!
Hope you have a good time tonight babysitting! Glad you found a planner. I checked out that book at borders this weekend and ended up buying it! Now I'm obsessed with it and have made probably 10 lists already lol