Saturday, February 27, 2010

S A T U R D A Y!

Ahhh... Saturday.  You are my friend :) I love having the whole day off so I can do what I please.  Today, that consisted of cleaning my house and playing with my little monk monk.  Mr T is out doing a gig this morning and won't be home until sometime this afternoon.  My dad is also in town - well, kinda.  He's in Daytona for bike week! We're probably gonna meet up with him sometime this evening because he's actually staying in St Augustine.  My other plans for today were to make T's birthday banner and start on his centerpieces.  Well, since his banner needs spray paint (just trust me) and it's raining, looks like that won't get done today.  I can still put the ribbon on his centerpieces, so that will for sure get done today :)  In other, not so exciting news, I am scheduled to start my "DE-CLUTTERING PROJECT" today.  I'm having to condense it into a shorter amount of time, because I'm gonna do a yard sale with one of my friends the last Saturday in March.  SO - Phase 1 & 2 will hopefully get done this weekend.  Is it bad that I'm waiting on my husband to get home to help me?

Has anyone ever experienced that which is P90X?  My husband was able to obtain a copy of this program from a friend of his.  It definitely looks do-able, but I know it's gonna be a killer in disguise!  I'm kinda excited for him to get started and I might actually start it up myself! I might not be able to walk for a week afterwards, but eventually It will get easier.   Just wait - a year from now we're gonna have killer bods and be the envy of all our friends.  ;-) A girl can dream, right?!

My little man is officially a WALKER! He has been taking a few steps here and there over the past 2 or 3 weeks and he walks with his little walker toy like a champ, but yesterday afternoon he actually WALKED back and forth between Shelby and myself.  We were sitting in our master bathroom (of all places) and we walked the distance of that 2 or 3 times!  He did such a good job!  He's not 100% confident in himself, so he won't do it on command [like a dog] but he can walk and that makes me so happy! He's only 10 months old! My goal to have him walking before his 1st birthday is becoming a reality!

Well - I guess I should probably take a shower.  Little man is taking his nap so this would give me a chance to have a shower in peace.  Afterwards I will probably start some laundry and change the litter in the litter box because one of the cats set a BOMB off in there! Whew! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Awwww! Congrats on Tristan walking! Too bad it's raining there but at least it's not snowing like here!

  2. congrats on T walking =) I long for the day.. lol Let me know how that P90x thing works!
