Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Julie, Julia, & Happiness Projects

WELL I'm 29 pages from completing my first book of the year!  I'm currently reading Julie and Julia.  I have to say it's nothing like what I expected, but it's a great book! I've caught myself squirming as she describes some of the things she cooks, but laughing out loud at the same time.  This book really sucked me in!  I can't wait to watch the movie!

The next book I'm going to read is called "The Happiness Project".  I honestly didn't realize it until today, but this is also a book about a woman completing a year long project.  Instead of cooking her way thru a cookbook, she's following every piece of advice about being happy that she can find.  She's testing them out and seeing what works for her.  It's quite interesting!  I can't wait to get started!

If you have a chance, check out The Happiness Project online.  You can check out a few sample pages and that's what kinda got me interested.  I'm all about making myself happier and I felt like I needed something that would help motivate me.  That's why I'm giving this book a try :)


  1. I haven't read that 2nd book. Let us know how it turns out!

  2. Julie & Julia is on my (rather lengthy) to read list. I have never hear of the Happiness Project though.

  3. you've interested me in the Happiness Project! Thanks! I may actually go buy it now!

  4. I just finished reading the Happiness Project and LOVED it! Lots of good tips, and I enjoyed reading about her experiences. (By the way, the author has a blog, which is great to read, too.)

  5. Thanks girls!! I'm so happy that someone here has read The Happiness Project! YAY! Now that I have a good review, I'm even more excited to start reading it!! :)
