Tristan is eating baby food now! He’s doing so well with it. He’s had carrots, green beans, and bananas! He LOVES carrots and banana’s, but I’m not sure he’s too crazy about the green beans. Ha ha. He’s so funny – in between bites while he’s waiting on ME he just sits there with his mouth open like a little bird! It’s sooo funny! I gave him a “biter biscuit” for the first time yesterday and he loved that too! They are sooo messy, so I need to make sure I’m around to wipe things off (because he touches everything!) but I’m glad he’s able to feed himself a little bit! It’s so amazing that he was on formula only and now he’s eating food! SO MUCH happens in such a little amount of time – it’s truly amazing!

Has anyone mastered the art of tie dyeing? I’m wanting to tie dye some onesies for Tristan, but I’m sorta at a loss about where to begin. I was thinking about checking out Michaels to see if they had any kits. I looked it up online and it seems really involved – is it seriously this tedious to tie dye a t-shirt?! I was hoping for an easier way .. Like what I remember doing in preschool … Ohh so many years ago. Ha ha! Did you ever make that marbled paper when you were a child?! - I just thought of that …
I’m having a terribly BLAH day today. I hate to blog about depressing things .. but I’m at such a loss for words. I can’t think of anything cheery to talk about..but I feel like talking. Strange, huh? I want so much to be HAPPY .. happy with my life and happy with myself. I just really wish I didn’t have to take medication to make myself happy . Especially when it doesn’t always work. I feel like such a disappointment sometimes .. what happened to me?
Oh well …
I’ve found a new morning favorite : Hazelnut Coffee from Panera. My friend Clarissa introduced it to me – well, she told me about it anyways. It’s really cheap and it’s at the counter with all the other coffee. Serve yourself counter. I like flavored coffee, but a lot of the flavored creamers have tons of sugar and fat in them. This coffee is already flavored and all I have to do is put my splenda and some milk in it. It’s wonderful and a lot better for me!
I HAVE TO GET MOTIVATED and get some work done today. No more feeling sorry for myself!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day .. The weekend is almost here!
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