After I came back from the ceremony, I was pretty worthless the rest of the day. The time FINALLY came to go home and I was SO excited! ha ha! I made a new recipe for dinner last night. I'm making one new recipe per week each month, but for this month I've already made my 4 and I still have one more week! I'll have ended up making 5 or 6 new recipes this month - which is better than what I set for myself! We had Chile-Chicken Enchilada's. They were SO good! This is a recipe I'll copy down into my recipe book to make again :)
After Dinner and after Tristan laid down we started watching "Funny People" with Adam Sandler. I had heard it was hilarious, so I chose it to watch. The thing is, it wasn't really all that hilarious. Lots of cursing a kinda depressing actually! Shelby and I both went to bed feeling gloomy after watching that movie - LoL. I guess you could say we didn't care for it.
I don't know what we'll get into tonight. We're going to eat leftovers from last night for dinner, so I don't have to cook. I'll probably straighten up the kitchen or something. We've been trying to work with Tristan every evening on his walking and he's really picking it up! He's so fun to watch - he makes us (or me, mostly - I laugh easily) laugh soooo hard. He's just so stinkin' cute! He gets going with his walking toy (a toy he pushes and walks behind it) and he's getting fast! The whole time he's talking and "yelling" like LOOK AT ME! ha ha. Yesterday evening he was able to turn it to where he wanted and he got a little farther that way. It's so neat watching him learn things! Before we know it he's gonna crawl to that thing, pull himself up, and walk to wherever he wants to go - I'll be in the kitchen and I'll see my little man walking in there to see me. That will be a really neat day!
I am so exhausted today! Night before last I couldn't sleep, and then last night I didn't really go to bed early - so today I'm really tired. Isn't it weird how it skips a day? Maybe I'll go take a nap in my car during lunch... ha ha.

That's so sweet! i bet it's am amazing feeling to see him learning and changing -- but also a little bittersweet!